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Success Story - Introduction to Wildlife Photography

The Introduction to Wildlife Photography project was aimed to connect young photographers with others alike, raising aspirations in young creative people due to reconvene in October half-term.

Participants spent two days together using professional cameras and smart phones studying photographing horses, sheep, birds of prey, dogs, ducks etc. They learnt different techniques, angles and shots along with an insight to conducting themselves within the environment in which they are studying – vital when working closely with horses but other animals too. The course ended with a trip to Cardiff National Museum to visit the Wildlife Photographer of the Year Exhibition.

Some quotes from participants in the project

I loved this project. I loved the animals and am sad about leaving. My fave were Fred and Robert. This was really fun and probably the best thing I’ve ever done
I really enjoyed today and yesterday I would love to do it again. I enjoyed this project because it was a fantastic experience and great fun.

All participants demonstrated an increase in their emotional health and wellbeing and an increase in ‘changes to their lifestyle.
